Sharon J. Wishnow

Meet Sharon.

Sharon J. Wishnow is a transplanted New Englander who makes her home in Northern Virginia.

In addition to writing upmarket fiction with environmental themes, Sharon writes non-fiction in the science, technology, and business categories with a passion for research, seashells, birds, and the ocean. She has been a member of the Boston Malacological Club since she was ten years old. She credits growing up by the ocean and family camping trips for her love and respect for all that is outside her door.

I write stories about flawed, strong women with plots that have environmental themes that show how changes in the environment change people.

Sharon is the former Vice President of Communications for the Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA), the founder of Women’s Fiction Day, and is the Executive Editor of the WFWA magazine, WriteOn!  She has an MFA from George Mason University, a publications certification from George Washington University, and a BA from Clark University. She regularly speaks about research and writing and publishes a regular newsletter, Research for Writers and Other Curious People.

When she’s not writing or researching, you can find her in the garden, watching the birds in her backyard, or feeding peanuts to her local squirrels.

The Pelican Tide is her first novel. She is represented by Ann Leslie Tuttle of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC.